How Much Do Authors Make from Barnes & Noble?

How Much Do Authors Make from Barnes & Noble


Understanding potential earnings is a key factor when considering self-publishing platforms. Barnes & Noble offers competitive royalties and a supportive environment for authors through its self-publishing arm, Barnes & Noble Press. This guide explores how much authors can make from Barnes & Noble self-publishing services, helping you gauge the financial benefits of this platform.

The Basics of Barnes & Noble Self-Publishing Royalties

eBook Royalties

Barnes & Noble self-publishing services offer attractive royalty rates for eBooks:

65% Royalty Rate: Authors earn a 65% royalty on eBook sales priced between $2.99 and $9.99. The royalty rate is lower for eBooks outside this range, typically around 40%.

Example Calculation:

  • If your eBook is priced at $4.99, you will earn approximately $3.24 per sale.
  • For a book priced at $1.99, the earnings drop to about $0.80 per sale due to the lower royalty rate.

Print Book Royalties

Print book earnings through Barnes & Noble Press depend on factors like printing costs, retail price, and distribution channels:

Print-on-Demand Model: Authors earn royalties after deducting printing costs and Barnes & Noble’s cut from the retail price. Typically, authors receive 40-55% of the book’s retail price after these deductions.

Example Calculation:

  • If a print book is priced at $15 and costs $5 to print, the remaining $10 is split, with the author earning approximately $4-$5 per sale.

Factors Influencing Author Earnings

Pricing Strategy

Optimal Pricing: Setting a competitive price is crucial. Higher prices might yield higher per-sale earnings but could reduce sales volume. Conversely, lower prices might boost sales but reduce per-unit earnings.

Marketing and Promotion

Active Marketing: Authors who invest time and resources into marketing generally see higher sales. Utilizing social media, email newsletters, and promotional campaigns can significantly boost earnings.

Utilizing Noble Self-Publishing Services: Barnes & Noble offers promotional tools such as email campaigns and featured listings, which can enhance visibility and sales.

Book Quality and Reviews

Professional Quality: High-quality writing, professional editing, and attractive cover design contribute to positive reviews and higher sales.

Reader Engagement: Engaging with readers through events, social media, and book clubs can foster a loyal following, leading to sustained sales.

Comparing Barnes & Noble with Other Platforms

Amazon KDP

Royalty Rates: Amazon KDP offers similar royalty rates (70% for eBooks priced between $2.99 and $9.99). However, KDP Select offers exclusive promotional benefits that might increase visibility and sales.

Market Reach: Amazon’s market share is larger, potentially leading to higher sales volume, though competition is also stiffer.


Distribution Network: IngramSpark provides access to a vast distribution network, including independent bookstores and libraries, but has upfront fees and lower royalty rates due to distribution cuts.

Upfront Costs: IngramSpark typically involves higher initial costs for publishing and distribution services.

Enhancing Earnings Potential

Leveraging Multiple Platforms

Cross-Platform Publishing: Consider publishing across multiple platforms to maximize reach and earnings. Non-exclusive agreements with Barnes & Noble allow authors to sell their books on other platforms like Amazon KDP and IngramSpark.

Expanding Marketing Efforts

Comprehensive Marketing Plans: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes social media, email marketing, and paid advertising. Regularly updating your marketing strategy can help maintain and boost sales.


Authors using Barnes & Noble self-publishing services can earn a substantial income, particularly if they price their books strategically and engage in active marketing. With a 65% royalty rate for eBooks and competitive rates for print books, Barnes & Noble Press offers a viable option for self-published authors. By understanding the factors that influence earnings and comparing them with other platforms, you can decide where to publish your book.

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