Can You Self-Publish on Apple Books? A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Self-Publish on Apple Books


Self-publishing has opened up new avenues for authors to reach readers without the need for traditional publishing houses. Apple Books is one of the leading platforms for self-publishing, offering access to millions of readers worldwide. This guide explores how you can self-publish on Apple Books, leveraging Apple Books publishing to bring your work to a vast audience.

Why Choose Apple Books for Self-Publishing?

  • Wide Reach: Access millions of readers using iPhones, iPads, and Macs.
  • Integrated Ecosystem: Seamless integration with Apple’s ecosystem, making it easy for users to discover and purchase your book.
  • Competitive Royalties: Earn competitive royalties from your book sales.
  • Global Distribution: Sell your book in multiple countries, reaching a global audience.

Steps to Self-Publish on Apple Books

Step 1: Prepare Your Manuscript


  • Apple’s Guidelines: Follow Apple’s formatting guidelines to ensure your book meets the required standards.
  • EPUB Format: Apple Books prefers the EPUB format. Ensure your manuscript is converted to EPUB.
  • Professional Formatting Services: If you are not comfortable with formatting, consider hiring a professional service.


  • Proofread: Eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and inconsistencies.
  • Professional Editing: Investing in professional editing services can ensure your book is polished and ready for publication.

Step 2: Design Your Book Cover

  • Professional Design: A professionally designed cover can attract more readers. Hire a designer if needed.
  • Apple’s Specifications: Follow Apple’s cover design specifications, including size and resolution requirements.

Step 3: Create an Apple ID and Set Up iTunes Connect

  • Apple ID: You need an Apple ID to publish on Apple Books. Create one at if you don’t already have one.
  • iTunes Connect: Sign up for iTunes Connect at This platform will allow you to manage your book’s details, pricing, and availability.

Step 4: Use Apple Pages or iBooks Author

Apple Pages

  • Download Pages: Get Apple Pages from the App Store.
  • Write and Format: Use Pages to write and format your manuscript. Ensure it adheres to the formatting guidelines.
  • Export to EPUB: Export your manuscript as an EPUB file directly from Pages.

iBooks Author (For macOS Users)

  • Download and Install: Download iBooks Author from the Mac App Store.
  • Create Your Book: Utilize the templates and tools in iBooks Author to create a visually appealing book.
  • Export to EPUB: Export your finished book as an EPUB file.

Step 5: Upload Your Book to iTunes Connect

  • Log In: Access your iTunes Connect account.
  • My Books: Go to the “My Books” section.
  • Add New Book: Click “Add New Book” and follow the prompts to upload your EPUB file and book cover.
  • Metadata: Enter your book’s metadata, including title, author, description, and keywords. Ensure this information is accurate and optimized for search.
  • Pricing and Availability: Set your book’s price and select the regions where it will be available.

Step 6: Review and Submit

  • Proofread Metadata: Double-check your book’s metadata for accuracy.
  • Preview Your Book: Use the preview tool in iTunes Connect to ensure your book appears correctly on various devices.
  • Submit for Review: Submit your book for Apple’s review process. This can take a few days to a week.

Step 7: Marketing Your Book

Utilize Apple’s Promotional Tools

  • Pre-Orders: Set up pre-orders to generate buzz before your book’s official release.
  • Discounts and Promotions: Offer limited-time discounts to boost initial sales.

Additional Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media: Promote your book on social media platforms to reach a broader audience.
  • Author Website: Create an author website with a dedicated page for your book, including purchase links and reviews.
  • Email Marketing: Use email marketing to inform your subscribers about your new release and any promotions.


Yes, you can self-publish on Apple Books, and it’s a straightforward process with immense potential for reaching a global audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging Apple Books publishing, you can successfully publish and market your book. With careful preparation, professional presentation, and strategic marketing, your book can thrive on Apple Books.

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