How to Get a Self-Published Book into Waterstones

Get a Self-Published Book into Waterstones


Getting your self-published book into a major bookstore like Waterstones can significantly enhance your book’s visibility and credibility. While challenging, it is possible with the right preparation and approach. This guide provides detailed steps on how to leverage Waterstones self-publishing opportunities to get your book onto their shelves.

Step 1: Prepare Your Book to Meet Professional Standards

High-Quality Content


  • Hire a Professional Editor: Ensure your manuscript is thoroughly edited for grammar, structure, and flow.


  • Final Proofread: Conduct a final proofread to catch any remaining errors.

Professional Formatting

Interior Layout:

  • Consistent Formatting: Ensure your book’s interior is formatted with proper margins, spacing, and fonts.
  • Professional Software: Use tools like Adobe InDesign or hire a professional for formatting.

Cover Design:

  • Engage a Professional Designer: A well-designed cover is crucial. It should be eye-catching and meet industry standards.

Step 2: Obtain ISBN and Barcode


  • Purchase an ISBN: Obtain a unique ISBN for your book, necessary for retail distribution.


  • Generate a Barcode: Convert your ISBN into a barcode for scanning at retail stores.

Step 3: Print Your Book

Print Quality:

  • High-Quality Printing: Use a professional printer to ensure your book meets bookstore standards. Consider services like IngramSpark or other reputable printers.

Step 4: Set Up Distribution Channels

Distribution Companies:

  • Partner with Reputable Distributors: Work with distributors recognized by Waterstones, such as IngramSpark or Gardners, to handle logistics and distribution.

Step 5: Prepare a Marketing and Sales Plan

Sales and Marketing Strategy:

  • Create a Press Kit: Include an author bio, book synopsis, cover image, and sample reviews.
  • Develop a Promotional Plan: Outline how you will market your book through social media, book signings, and press releases.

Step 6: Contact Waterstones

Direct Submission:

  • Submit Your Book for Consideration: Follow Waterstones’ guidelines for self-published submissions, which can be found on their website.
  • Provide Detailed Information: Include comprehensive details about your book, target audience, and marketing plan.

Step 7: Utilize Distribution Channels

Leverage Distributor Recommendations:

  • Distributor Support: If using a recognized distributor, they can recommend your book to Waterstones, increasing your chances of being stocked.

Step 8: Participate in Events and Promotions

Author Events:

  • Organize Book Signings and Readings: Set up events at Waterstones locations to increase visibility and drive sales.

Promotional Activities:

  • Engage in Promotions: Participate in special promotions or offers through Waterstones to boost your book’s profile.

Step 9: Maintain Your Presence in Waterstones

Continuous Marketing:

  • Ongoing Promotion: Keep marketing your book even after it’s stocked. Use social media, email newsletters, and other channels to maintain interest.

Monitor Sales:

  • Track Sales Performance: Keep an eye on how your book is selling and adjust your marketing strategies as needed.

Build Relationships:

  • Network with Bookstore Staff: Develop relationships with bookstore staff and managers to ensure better display placements and more event opportunities.

Additional Tips for Success

Create a Strong Online Presence

Author Website: Maintain a professional author website with a dedicated page for your book.

Social Media: Actively engage with readers on social media platforms.

Collect Reviews and Endorsements

Solicit Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews on online platforms and Waterstones’ website.

Seek Endorsements: Obtain endorsements from other authors or industry professionals to boost credibility.

Stay Persistent and Professional

Follow-Up: After submitting your book, follow up with Waterstones politely to check on the status of your submission.

Professionalism: Always maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions with Waterstones staff and distributors.


Getting a self-published book into Waterstones requires meticulous preparation, professional presentation, and strategic marketing. By following these steps and leveraging Waterstones self-publishing opportunities, you can significantly increase your chances of having your book stocked in their stores. Persistence and a professional approach are key to achieving this goal.

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